
Difference Between Schwann Cell and Oligodendrocyte

Difference Between Schwann Cell and Oligodendrocyte

The difference between Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes lies on the type of nerve cell axons they insulate. Schwann cells insulate the axons of the nerve cells in the PNS whereas oligodendrocytes insulate the nerve cells in the CNS.

  1. How do Schwann cells differ from oligodendrocytes quizlet?
  2. What is a oligodendrocyte cell?
  3. What is the function of an oligodendrocyte glial cell?
  4. What is the main function of an axon?
  5. Where are Schwann cells found?
  6. Is oligodendrocyte myelin sheath?
  7. What is Oligodendrogenesis?
  8. What are the types of glial cells?
  9. What are the 5 types of glial cells?
  10. What are the functions of neurons and glial cells?
  11. What are the six types of glial cells?

How do Schwann cells differ from oligodendrocytes quizlet?

Schwann cells form sheaths around several axons, while oligodendrocytes form sheaths around only one axon. Schwann cells form a myelin sheath around a portion of only one axon, while oligodendrocytes can surround portions of several axons.

What is a oligodendrocyte cell?

Oligodendrocytes are a type of large glial cell found in the central nervous system. Oligodendrocytes produce the myelin sheath insulating neuronal axons (analogous to Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system), although some oligodendrocytes (called satellite oligodendrocytes) are not involved in myelination.

What is the function of an oligodendrocyte glial cell?

Oligodendrocytes are another type of glial cells and these cells are responsible for the myelination of axons in the central nervous system (CNS).

What is the main function of an axon?

Specialized projections called axons allow neurons to transmit electrical and chemical signals to other cells. Neurons can also receive these signals via rootlike extensions known as dendrites.

Where are Schwann cells found?

Schwann cells are a type of glial cell that surrounds neurons, keeping them alive and sometimes covering them with a myelin sheath. Schwann cells are present in the peripheral nervous system, whereas oligodendrocytes are similar cells found in the central nervous system.

Is oligodendrocyte myelin sheath?

The insulating myelin sheath that covers the axons of many neurons is produced by Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system and by oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system.

What is Oligodendrogenesis?

Oligodendrogenesis is a process that is regulated by extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The main external stimuli are morphogens, growth factors and extracellular matrix elements, while the internal stimuli important for oligodendrocyte formation are transcription factors and epigenetic regulators.

What are the types of glial cells?

There are three types of glial cells in the mature central nervous system: astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglial cells (Figure 1.4A—C). Astrocytes, which are restricted to the brain and spinal cord, have elaborate local processes that give these cells a starlike appearance (hence the prefix “astro”).

What are the 5 types of glial cells?

Glial cells are the most abundant cell types in the central nervous system. Types of glial cells include oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, ependymal cells, Schwann cells, microglia, and satellite cells.

What are the functions of neurons and glial cells?

The functions of the nervous system are performed by two types of cells: neurons, which transmit signals between them and from one part of the body to another, and glia, which regulate homeostasis, providing support and protection to the function of neurons.

What are the six types of glial cells?

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