
Difference Between Uranium 234 235 and 238
U-238 is the most abundant uranium followed by U-U- 235 and 234. The difference between the three isotopes is the number of neutrons present in the nu...
Difference Between Carbon Dating and Uranium Dating
The key difference between carbon dating and uranium dating is that carbon dating uses radioactive isotopes of carbon, whereas uranium dating uses ura...
Difference Between Uranium 235 and Uranium 238
U-235 is the main fissile isotope of uranium. ... The nucleus of the U-235 atom contains 92 protons and 143 neutrons, giving an atomic mass of 235 uni...
Difference Between U 235 and U 238
U-235 is the main fissile isotope of uranium. ... The nucleus of the U-235 atom contains 92 protons and 143 neutrons, giving an atomic mass of 235 uni...