
Difference Between Quantity and Unit
What is the difference between a quantity and a unit? If you are working science or math problems, the answer to this question is that quantity is the...
Difference Between Lattice and Unit Cell
Difference between Crystal Lattice and Unit Cell The crystal lattice is the arrangement of the constituent particles like atoms, molecules, or ions in...
Difference Between Unit Cell and Primitive Cell
Primitive unit cells contain only one lattice point, which is made up from the lattice points at each of the corners. Non-primitive unit cells contain...
Difference Between Hexagon and Monoclinic Unit Cell
The main difference between hexagon and monoclinic unit cell is that a hexagon unit cell has two axes with similar length whereas a monoclinic unit ce...
Difference Between ALU and CPU
The main difference between CPU and ALU is that the CPU is an electronic circuit that handles instructions to operate the computer while the ALU is a ...
Difference Between Unit and Townhouse
A unit is part of a group of similar dwellings which are either located in buildings or in a separate lot with a garden and a courtyard while a townho...
Difference Between AHU and RTU
There are no differences between an AHU and an RTU except for the fact that an RTU is placed on the rooftop. ... The AHU consists of components such a...
Difference Between Unit and Apartment
A unit is a self contained suite of rooms that can be attached or detached with several other such dwellings. ... An apartment is a self contained hou...
Difference Between a Unit and a Townhouse
A unit is part of a group of similar dwellings which are either located in buildings or in a separate lot with a garden and a courtyard while a townho...