
Difference Between Term Deposit and GIC
Term deposits and GICs (Guaranteed Investment Certificates) are exactly the same; they're just different names for the same kind of investment. ... No...
Difference Between Word and Term
Most of us do not give much thought to the difference between term and word and use them interchangeably. However, a word is a meaningful element in a...
Difference Between Term and Word
A word can be defined as a complete meaningful element of a language. A term is a particular definition of a word, which is applicable to a specific s...
Difference Between Term Deposit and Fixed Deposit
Term deposit is often used when the deposit is extended for a certain term say 3 months, 6 months etc. while fixed deposit or FD is used when the depo...
Difference Between Short Term Planning and Long Term Planning
What are the differences between short- and long-term planning? Short-term planning evaluates your progress in the present and creates an action plan ...
Difference Between Term and Semester
Term is a generic word that is used in educational institutions, to describe the duration of an academic calendar. Term is the word used more in Brita...
describe the differences among short-term, medium-term and long-term scheduling
Answer: Short-term:(CPU scheduler)- selects from jobs in memory, those jobs which are ready to execute, and allocates the CPU to them. Medium-term - u...
difference between short-term and long-term assets
The long term assets are such assets that are used for long duration i.e. more than a year in the business to generate revenue whereas short term asse...
recursive formula for geometric sequence
Recursive formula for a geometric sequence is an=an−1×r , where r is the common ratio.What is the recursive arithmetic formula?What is a recursive pat...