
Difference between Product and Service
What is difference between product and service?What are the 4 major differences between goods and services?What are the differences between product an...
Difference Between Hypermorph and Neomorph
Hypermorph alleles produce more of the same, active product. This can occur via increased transcription or by changing the product to make it more eff...
Difference Between Ionic Product and Solubility Product
Both ionic product and solubility product represent the product of the concentrations of the ions in the solution. ... On the other hand, the term sol...
Difference Between By Product and Waste
The key difference between by product and waste is that by product is a secondary product obtained incidentally in the manufacturing process of the ma...
Difference Between Marketing Mix and Product Mix
What is the difference between marketing mix and product mix?What is a product marketing mix?What is product and product mix?What is marketing mix wit...
Difference Between Product Marketing and Service Marketing
Product marketing refers to the process in which the marketing activities are aligned to promote and sell a specific product for a particular segment....
Difference Between UPC and SKU
While many use the terms “SKU” and “UPC” interchangeably, they are actually very different. First off, an SKU (stock keeping unit) is strictly for int...
Difference Between Dot Product and Cross Product
A dot product is the product of the magnitude of the vectors and the cos of the angle between them. A cross product is the product of the magnitude of...
Difference Between Joint Product and By-Product
When the production of two or more products of similar value, are made together with same input and process, is called joint product. The term by-prod...