
Difference Between Metaphase 1 and 2
Metaphase 1: Microtubules of one pole are attached to kinetochores of one of the two chromosomes facing to the same pole. Metaphase 2: Microtubules ar...
Difference Between Prophase and Metaphase
The main difference between prophase and metaphase is that chromosomes condense during prophase whereas homologous chromosome pairs align in the equat...
difference between metaphase 1 and mitotic metaphase
Hint: Meta means second and phase means stage, hence metaphase is the second stage of meiosis and mitosis....Distinguish between metaphase of mitosis ...
difference between metaphase 1 of meiosis and mitosis
Hint: Meta means second and phase means stage, hence metaphase is the second stage of meiosis and mitosis....Distinguish between metaphase of mitosis ...
differentiate metaphase 1 and mitotic metaphase
Hint: Meta means second and phase means stage, hence metaphase is the second stage of meiosis and mitosis....Distinguish between metaphase of mitosis ...
difference between anaphase and metaphase
is that anaphase is (cytology) the stage of mitosis and meiosis during which the chromosomes separate; the chromatid moving to opposite poles of the c...
explain the metaphase and telophase of mitosis
Mitosis: In Summary In metaphase, chromosomes are lined up and each sister chromatid is attached to a spindle fiber. ... In telophase, chromosomes arr...
What is the Difference Between Prophase and Metaphase
The main difference between prophase and metaphase is that chromosomes condense during prophase whereas homologous chromosome pairs align in the equat...