
Difference Between Full Frame and APS-C
A full-frame camera uses a sensor that's the same size as a single frame of traditional 35mm film, measuring 36 x 24mm. The more popular APS-C sensor ...
Difference Between Full Frame and Crop Sensor
Full frame sensors have the same dimensions as 35mm film or 24mm x 36mm, which is the standard size. Crop sensor refers to any sensor smaller than the...
Difference Between FRAME and IFRAME
Otherwise the only difference is the fact that an IFrame is an inline frame and a Frame is part of a Frameset. Inline frame is just one "box" and you ...
What is the Difference Between frame and frameset in HTML
The main difference between frame and frameset in HTML is that the frame holds a separate document, while the frameset holds one or more frames. ... W...
difference between applet and frame in java
Applets are java program which are embedded in a website and meant to be run in a web broswer. ... Applets don't need a main method as their starting ...
attributes of frame> tag
Optional AttributesAttributeValueDescriptionnoresizenoresizeNot supported in HTML5. Specifies that a frame is not resizablescrollingyes no autoNot sup...
explain all the attributes of frameset tag
The <frameset> tag defines, how to divide the window into frames. The rows attribute of <frameset> tag defines horizontal frames and cols ...
to load a link in a particular frame, what attribute is used in the frame tag?
The <frame> Tag Attributes This attribute is used to give the file name that should be loaded in the frame. Its value can be any URL. For exampl...
What is the Difference Between Panel and Frame in Java
The main difference between Panel and Frame in Java is that the Panel is an internal region to a frame or another panel that helps to group multiple c...