Culture - page 2

Difference Between Batch and Continuous Culture
The main difference between batch and continuous culture is that batch culture is a closed system that carries out fermentation with a fixed amount of...
Difference Between Art and Culture
Art is intended to be a form of appreciation of beauty and expression of emotional power. Culture serves as a guideline for behaviour, dress, language...
Difference Between High Culture and Popular Culture
High culture is the consumption patterns, mannerisms, beliefs, amusement, leisure activities, and tastes and preferences of a societies elite. ... So ...
Difference Between Culture and Ethno culture
2. In a culture outsiders are more welcome and can easily integrate while in an ethnoculture, 'outsiders' are usually seem as 'diluters'. 3. Culture s...
Difference Between American and Indian culture
No two cultures are the same. ... One of the major differences that can be seen between American and Indian culture is in family relations. While the ...
Difference Between Culture and Society
Culture is what differentiates one group or society from the next. ... A culture represents the beliefs and practices of a group, while society repres...
Difference Between Culture and Custom
Culture is a complex whole including beliefs, knowledge, rituals, morals, customs, and other habits and capabilities of people. Custom is a traditiona...
Difference Between Custom and Tradition
Custom is a usage or practice common to many or a particular place or group of people. Tradition is the transmission of customs or beliefs from genera...
what is your culture
Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts....