
What is the Difference Between Antigone and Creon
The main difference between Antigone and Creon is that Antigone is loyal to her family, but Creon is loyal to the state. Antigone and Creon are the tw...
antigone and creon relationship
The relationship between Creon and Antigone in the play written by Sophocles was that they were uncle and niece to each other. ... Creon believes that...
creon and haemon comparison
How are Creon and haemon different?What are the beliefs of Creon Antigone and Haemon about laws compare and contrast?What is the conflict between haem...
how does antigone feel about creon
Antigone sees Creon as a petty tyrant who openly flaunts his power in the face of the gods.What is the relationship between Antigone and Creon?Does An...
how is the guard different from creon
How is the guard a foil to Creon?Who is the guard in Antigone?What does Creon tell the guard?What are the guards feelings about returning to speak to ...
compare the inflexibility evident in both antigone and creon.
How are Antigone and Creon similar and different?What is the conflict between Creon and Tiresias?How does the chorus see the conflict between Antigone...
antigone vs creon quotes
Creon Quotes“My part is not a heroic one, but I shall play my part.” ― Jean Anouilh, Antigone. ... “Money! Money's the curse of man, none greater. ......