
Difference Between HDL and LDL Cholesterol
HDL takes the "bad," LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol out of your blood and keeps it from building up in your arteries. LDL cholesterol is kn...
Differences Between Triglycerides and Cholesterol
Triglycerides and cholesterol are different types of lipids that circulate in your blood: Triglycerides store unused calories and provide your body wi...
Differences Between Dyslipidemia And Hyperlipidemia
You may hear the term hyperlipidemia used interchangeably with dyslipidemia. But that's not entirely accurate. Hyperlipidemia refers to high levels of...
Difference Between Cholesterol and Cholesteryl Ester
Cholesteryl ester, a dietary lipid, is an ester of cholesterol. The ester bond is formed between the carboxylate group of a fatty acid and the hydroxy...
Difference Between LDL and VLDL Cholesterol
The main difference between VLDL and LDL is that they have different percentages of the cholesterol, protein, and triglycerides that make up each lipo...
Difference Between Dietary Cholesterol and Blood Cholesterol
Dietary cholesterol is found in foods from animal sources, such as meats, liver and other organ meats, dairy foods, egg yolks, and shellfish. Choleste...
Difference Between Hyperlipidemia and Hypercholesterolemia
When it comes to cholesterol, it's important to know your numbers. Hyperlipidemia means your blood has too many lipids (or fats), such as cholesterol ...
Difference Between Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol
As a general rule, HDL is considered “good” cholesterol, while LDL is considered “bad.” This is because HDL carries cholesterol to your liver, where i...
Difference Between Good and Bad Cholesterol
As a general rule, HDL is considered “good” cholesterol, while LDL is considered “bad.” This is because HDL carries cholesterol to your liver, where i...