
Difference Between Chlorination and Ozonation
1) Ozone is over 3000 times faster to purify water. 2) Unlike chlorine, ozone leaves no harmful chlorinated by-products in the water, ozone quickly re...
Difference Between Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide
While chlorine dioxide has “chlorine” in its name, its chemistry is radically different from that of chlorine. ... Chlorine and chlorine dioxide are b...
Difference Between Free Chlorine and Total Chlorine
Free chlorine involves the amount of chlorine that's able to sanitize contaminants, while combined chlorine refers to chlorine that has combined direc...
Difference Between Chlorine and Chloramine
Chloramine is a combination of ammonia with chlorine. Unlike straight chlorine, which dissipates fairly quickly when exposed to air, chloramine remain...
Difference Between Trichlor and Dichlor
The key difference between trichlor and dichlor is that trichlor is a dry solid compound having the highest possible chlorine content (around 90%) whe...
Difference Between Chloride and Chlorate
Chloride and chlorate are chlorine-containing anions. Chloride anion is derived from HCl acid dissociation or any other dissociation of a chloride com...
Difference Between Chlorine and Bleach
The basic difference between chlorine and bleach is that chlorine is a natural element, while bleach is a solution of many elements. Moreover, chlorin...
Difference Between Chlorine Atom and Chloride Ion
(i) Chlorine atom has 7 electrons in its M shell while Chloride ion has 8 electrons in the same shell. (ii) Chlorine atom is neutral while chloride io...