
Difference Between Anaphase I and Anaphase II
The main difference between anaphase I and anaphase II is that anaphase I occurs in a diploid cell and anaphase II occurs in a haploid cell. ... In an...
Difference Between Anaphase 1 and 2
The main difference between anaphase I and anaphase II is that anaphase I occurs in a diploid cell and anaphase II occurs in a haploid cell. ... In an...
difference between anaphase and anaphase 1
In anaphase of meiosis, spindle fibers affix to kinetochore of 2 chromosomes. The centromere does not divide. During anaphase I, the homologous chromo...
what is the biggest difference between anaphase of mitosis and anaphase 1 of meiosis
Hint: In the Anaphase phase of Mitosis, the equal separation or disjunction of the sister chromatids occurs. In the Anaphase phase of Meiosis I, the s...
difference between anaphase 1 and telophase 1
Anaphase follows telophase. The main difference between anaphase and telophase is that the chromosomes are pulled to the opposite poles of the cell du...
Difference Between Anaphase of Mitosis and Anaphase I of Meiosis
Hint: In the Anaphase phase of Mitosis, the equal separation or disjunction of the sister chromatids occurs. In the Anaphase phase of Meiosis I, the s...