
How to Reach Kedarnath from Haridwar

How to Reach Kedarnath from Haridwar

You can also take a bus from Haridwar to reach Kedarnath. The distance between Haridwar and Kedarnath is around 125 km and buses take about 5 hours to cover the distance. Gaurikund is the nearest motorable area from Kedarnath.

  1. How far is Kedarnath from Haridwar?
  2. How much does it cost to walk in Kedarnath?
  3. What is the best time to visit Kedarnath?
  4. How can I plan a trip to Kedarnath?
  5. Is there any helicopter service to Kedarnath?
  6. How far is Badrinath from Kedarnath?
  7. How long is the walk to Kedarnath?
  8. Is any registration required for Kedarnath Yatra?
  9. Which is more difficult Kedarnath or Badrinath?

How far is Kedarnath from Haridwar?

Distance Between Haridwar to Kedarnath

Distance between Haridwar to Kedarnath by Road is239 Kms
Distance between Haridwar to Kedarnath by Flight is123 Kms
Travel Time from Haridwar to Kedarnath by Road is5:19 hrs
Nearest Airport in HaridwarJolly Grant (29.95, 78.16)
Nearest Airport in KedarnathJolly Grant (30.73, 79.07)

How much does it cost to walk in Kedarnath?

For Kedarnath yatra 2019 the pony cost was Rs 2500/- per person (one way) from Sonprayag to Kedarnath Ji and from Kedarnath Ji to Sonprayag it was Rs 2000/-. The round trip cost was Rs 4500/-per person.

What is the best time to visit Kedarnath?

Summers from April to June are the best time to visit Kedarnath temple. These months are also the best time to visit Badrinath temple. Gangotri and Yamunotri lie at a higher altitude, so summer starts a little later there, almost at the end of April.

How can I plan a trip to Kedarnath?

Day To Day Travel Guide for your Journey To Kedarnath Dham

  1. Day 0: Reach to Rishikesh.
  2. Day 1: Rishikesh To Sonprayag or Gaurikund (211 km / 8 hours by road).
  3. Bio-metric registration at Sonprayag.
  4. Below are the facilities you can found at Sonprayag :
  5. Sonprayag to Gaurikund shuttle service & night stay at Gaurikund :

Is there any helicopter service to Kedarnath?

The Helicopter services to Kedarnath now has been started by DGCA.
Operational Helipads & Operators for Kedarnath Helicopter Services 2021.

Authorised Helicopter OperatorsKedarnath Helicopter Ticket Charges Fixed by by Govt. for 2021 Season
Himalayan Heli ServicesRs 2340
Phata Helipad
Pawan HansRs 2360
Pinnacle Air
•26 мар. 2021 г.

How far is Badrinath from Kedarnath?

Distance Between Kedarnath to Badrinath

Distance between Kedarnath to Badrinath by Road is218 Kms
Distance between Kedarnath to Badrinath by Flight is41 Kms
Travel Time from Kedarnath to Badrinath by Road is4:58 hrs
Nearest Airport in KedarnathJolly Grant (30.73, 79.07)
Nearest Airport in BadrinathJolly Grant (30.74, 79.49)

How long is the walk to Kedarnath?

While there is a motorable road right up to the shrine in Badrinath, pilgrims have to walk almost 23 kilometres uphill to reach Kedarnath.

Is any registration required for Kedarnath Yatra?

Since 2014, the Uttarakhand government has made it mandatory for devotees to register themselves while visiting the state for Char Dham Yatra 2021. After the process of biometric registration is complete, all the devotees are issued biometric cards.

Which is more difficult Kedarnath or Badrinath?

Kedarnath, at about the same elevation as Badrinath, is at the head of the Mandakini valley. ... Gangotri and Badrinath are reachable by road; Kedarnath needs a 14-km trek, and Yamunotri an even tougher 5-km effort.

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