
Difference Between THIS and THESE

Difference Between THIS and THESE

This and these are demonstratives, which means they indicate a specific noun in a sentence. This is used with singular or uncountable nouns (i.e. this egg or this music). ... These refers to plural nouns (i.e. these cookies).

  1. What is the main difference between this and these?
  2. Which is correct this two or these two?
  3. What is correct these are or this are?
  4. Which one is these or this?
  5. How do you use this and these?
  6. What is another word for these?
  7. Is it correct to say these ones?
  8. Is it 2 person or 2 persons?
  9. Can I say two persons?
  10. Which is correct this days or these days?
  11. Can I say these information?
  12. Will and would use?

What is the main difference between this and these?

This is used to describe a singular countable noun and these is used with plural countable nouns. A countable noun has a plural form such as books, girls, boys, toys, etc. For example we say a book but six books or many books or some books or a few books.

Which is correct this two or these two?

1 Answer. "These two" is correct because two is a plural, as you say. The only sensible exception I can come up with is in a very specific verbal discussion.

What is correct these are or this are?

There is only one arrival under discussion -- your first one -- so the subject is singular. You used the singular word "arrival". Thus a singular verb and pronoun are called for. If you were talking about multiple arrivals, you would say "these are". Like, "These are arrivals that occurred during 2014."

Which one is these or this?

“One of” of course implies a list with multiple choices. That implied plurality in turn leads logically to the use of “these” (which is a plural) instead “this” (which is singular). While the other answers I read are correct, it depends on context and whether you are referring to mass nouns or count nouns.

How do you use this and these?

This and these are demonstratives, which means they indicate a specific noun in a sentence. The two words are similar because they refer to nouns that are near in space and time. This is used with singular or uncountable nouns (i.e. this egg or this music). These refers to plural nouns (i.e. these cookies).

What is another word for these?

What is another word for these?


Is it correct to say these ones?

But in fact, “these ones” is grammatical. True, the pronoun “these” can stand on its own in a sentence like “I prefer these.” But when you add “ones” after it, it doesn't create a grammatical error, it just creates a new grammatical structure. In “I prefer these ones,” the word “these” is no longer a pronoun.

Is it 2 person or 2 persons?

Your first choice when talking about more than one person is "(two) people". "Persons" only makes sense if you mean "individuals"... and as 郭东兴 has pointed out, this is quite uncommon. Persons is an old word, from formal English.

Can I say two persons?

The noun person has two plurals: persons and people. Most people don't use persons, but the sticklers say there are times when we should. The traditional rule is that persons is used for either an exact or a small number. ...

Which is correct this days or these days?

Since 'days' is the plural, you should use 'these'. See below: The difference between the demonstratives distance (near and far) and singular and plural. "This" is used for singular nouns that are close to the speaker.

Can I say these information?

In English, "information" is an uncountable noun. Even though "information" refers to a collection of facts, it is treated as singular. "These" is used with plural nouns, so "these information" is incorrect. Use "this information" instead.

Will and would use?

Will and would are verbs, and each can be used many different ways. Will can be a present tense verb that means to cause something to happen through force of desire. ... Would is a past tense form of will. It is also a conditional verb that indicates an action that would happen under certain conditions.

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