
Difference Between Subsistence Farming and Intensive Farming

Difference Between Subsistence Farming and Intensive Farming

Subsistence farming is growing food for your own and your family's direct consumption. Like a backyard vegetable garden, but with fruit, starch crops, and animals as well. Intensive agriculture is anything that really works the land hard. The inputs cost money, so it is generally only done for profit.

  1. What are the major differences between primitive farming and intensive farming?
  2. What is an important difference between intensive subsistence farming and extensive subsistence farming?
  3. What is intensive subsistence farming?
  4. What is primitive and intensive subsistence farming?
  5. Why is intensive farming expensive?
  6. What are the main features of extensive farming?
  7. Is Rice intensive or extensive?
  8. What are the types of intensive subsistence farming?
  9. What are two advantages of intensive subsistence farming?
  10. What are the 3 major types of subsistence agriculture?

What are the major differences between primitive farming and intensive farming?

Difference between primitive subsistence farming and …

Primitive SubsistenceIntensive Subsistence
This agriculture is dependent on rainfall and the natural fertility of the soil.Means of irrigation like tube wells, canals are used. Soil fertility is also increased by the use of fertilizers.

What is an important difference between intensive subsistence farming and extensive subsistence farming?

Intensive Farming is a farming method that uses higher inputs and advanced agricultural techniques to increase the overall yield. In contrast, Extensive Farming is one in which more and more land is brought under cultivation to increase the output produced.

What is intensive subsistence farming?

In intensive subsistence agriculture, the farmer cultivates a small plot of land using simple tools and more labour. ... Farmers use their small land holdings to produce enough for their local consumption, while remaining produce is used for exchange against other goods.

What is primitive and intensive subsistence farming?

Intensive subsistence farming. 1.the farmer cultivates a small plot of land using simple tools and more labour. has climate with large number of days with sunshine and fertile soils permit growing of more than one crop annually. Primitive subsistence farming includes shifting cultivation and nomadic hearing.

Why is intensive farming expensive?

Intensive farming is expensive as the farmer tries to get maximum field from his small land using hybrid seeds fertilizers pesticides etc.

What are the main features of extensive farming?

Extensive Farming # Characteristic Features:

Is Rice intensive or extensive?

RICE FARMING IS LABOR-INTENSIVE Rice is one of the most labor-intensive crops that is grown because of the water usage. Rice plants take around 120 days to grow from seeds to mature plants. Farmers then have to flood the rice fields because rice has better growth and produces higher yields when grown in flooded soils.

What are the types of intensive subsistence farming?

There are two types of the intensive subsistence agriculture. One is dominated by wet paddy and the other is dominated by crops other than paddy, e.g., wheat, pulses, maize, millets, sorghum, kaoling, soya-beans, tubers and vegetables.

What are two advantages of intensive subsistence farming?

1) It is practised in areas of high population pressure on land. 2) It is rendered land holding size uneconomically. 3) Irrigation are used for obtaining high production..

What are the 3 major types of subsistence agriculture?

Subsistence Agricultural Regions: Shifting cultivation (2) Pastoral nomadism (3) Intensive subsistence: wet rice dominant (4)

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