
Difference Between So and Such

Difference Between So and Such

Structures using 'such' and 'so' are similar in meaning, but different in construction. The main difference between the two structures is that 'such' takes a noun phrase, whereas 'so' takes an adjective.

  1. How do you use such and so?
  2. Where can I use such?
  3. What is the function of so that and such that?
  4. How do you use such in a sentence?
  5. Is such that meaning?
  6. What kind of word is such?

How do you use such and so?

Download this explanation in PDF here. We often use 'so' and 'such' to mean 'very' or 'really'.
If there is 'a' or 'an', it goes after 'such'.

  1. She was such a beautiful woman (= she was a very beautiful woman).
  2. NOT: 'she was a so beautiful woman'.
  3. NOT: 'she was a such beautiful woman'.

Where can I use such?

We can use such (as a determiner) before a noun phrase to add emphasis:

  1. We visited such fascinating places on our trip through central Asia.
  2. She has such lovely hair.
  3. She lived in such loneliness. ( formal)
  4. We had such an awful meal at that restaurant!

What is the function of so that and such that?

“so…that” and “such…that”, both of them, have same meaning in a sentence. are used to explain the result or to explain an opinion about something ( which are mentioned before ). are used to express both the cause and the result of a situation in a sentence.

How do you use such in a sentence?

Such sentence example

  1. I never saw such small pigs before. ...
  2. Why is everyone in such a hurry? ...
  3. She was so fortunate to have such a wonderful family. ...
  4. They would like to have such a life. ...
  5. "I don't b'lieve Eureka would do such a dreadful thing!" cried Dorothy, much distressed.

Is such that meaning?

such that in British English

so that: used to express purpose or result. power such that it was effortless.

What kind of word is such?

Such as an adjective. Used as an adjective, such either expresses a comparison of degree (level) or similarity. However, unlike normal adjectives, it is never used in conjunction with determiners (articles, demonstratives, possessives) except for the indefinite article a / an .

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