
Difference Between Plugs and Gauges

Difference Between Plugs and Gauges

Gauges are used to describe the volume of the jewelry in thickness. This is important in ear stretching, more commonly known as just stretching, which is what you call the process of making a larger gauge in the hole of a piercing. 3. The actual jewelry is called plugs.

  1. What's the difference between plugs and tunnels?
  2. What are 12mm plugs in gauge?
  3. What is a gauged ear?
  4. What are plugs for ears?
  5. Are wooden plugs good for your ears?
  6. Are acrylic plugs safe to wear?
  7. What size gauge can you not go back from?
  8. What size gauge is a normal earring?
  9. What size gauge comes after 1 2 inch?
  10. Why do gauged ears stink?
  11. Can I use Vaseline to gauge my ears?
  12. Are gauges bad for your ears?

What's the difference between plugs and tunnels?

The difference between the tunnel and the plug

The main difference is in the appearance of the jewellery. A tunnel (as you would expect) is hollow inside. You can see through the jewellery and this is highlighted inside the piercing cavity. A plug on the other hand, is solid and fills the piercing cavity.

What are 12mm plugs in gauge?

Ear Gauge to MM Conversion Table

00g10 mm3/8"
11 mm7/16"
12 mm1/2"
14 mm9/16"

What is a gauged ear?

Ear stretching (also called ear gauging) is when you gradually stretch out pierced holes in your earlobes. Given enough time, the size of these holes could be anywhere from the diameter of a pencil to that of a soda can. Ear stretching takes time and effort.

What are plugs for ears?

A plug (sometimes earplug or earspool), in the context of body modification, is a short, cylindrical piece of jewelry commonly worn in larger-gauge body piercings. Modern western plugs are also called flesh tunnels.

Are wooden plugs good for your ears?

Wood is not an appropriate material to stretch ears with. Wood plugs should only be worn in completely healed ear lobes or piercings. Trust us, it is worth the wait. Wood is a porous material and it can harbor bacteria.

Are acrylic plugs safe to wear?

Acrylic Gauges, Plugs & Tunnels

Acrylic is a type of plastic that's affordable, and safe to use for body jewelry.

What size gauge can you not go back from?

The so-called “point of no return,” which is the size or gauge after which you will not be able to go back to original size, is a range between 0g and 4g for the majority. But, it's important to note that this isn't always the same for everyone.

What size gauge is a normal earring?

Gauge Size: Insert a standard earring post through your piercing - this is going to be a 20G size post. If it fits snugly, then your gauge size will be 20G. If you can move it around a little bit, try an 18G size. If you can move it around quite a bit, then you probably want a 16G size.

What size gauge comes after 1 2 inch?

Convert Ear Gauge to mm and Inch

Millimeters (mm)Inches (")

Why do gauged ears stink?

Your body secretes a substance called sebum, sebum is an oily secretion which helps your skin keep lubricated and keep it waterproof. The sebum mixes with the dead skin cells between your ear and the jewellery to make this unpleasant odour.

Can I use Vaseline to gauge my ears?

Stretching Process (taper method)

Lubricant will make the taper super slick, so it will slide through easy. Lubricants make a stretch easier. While you're out getting a new taper, get some Jojoba oil, Vitamin E oil or GaugeGear Stretching Balm (Neosporin and Vaseline are not good lubes for ear stretching).

Are gauges bad for your ears?

Aside from the possibility for intense pain, one of the main ear stretching side effects is a torrential amount of pus streaming from your ears. ... If you've got gauges that you take care of and just want to gloat at a bunch of dummies who don't know how to clean out their ears, then these stories are for you too.

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