
Difference between Flonase and Nasonex

Difference between Flonase and Nasonex

by The difference is Flonase is available over-the-counter (OTC) and Nasonex is prescription only. There is no difference in their effect or side effects. Flonase and Nasonex are both corticosteroid nasal sprays that are effective at treating hay fever, perennial allergic rhinitis and allergies.

  1. Which is more effective Flonase or Nasacort?
  2. Which nasal steroid is most effective?
  3. What is the best steroid nasal spray for sinusitis?
  4. Is Nasonex better than Nasacort?
  5. Should I use Flonase morning or night?
  6. What is the best time to take Flonase?
  7. What is the most effective nasal spray?
  8. Is it OK to use Flonase every day?
  9. Are Nasal Corticosteroids Safe?
  10. How can I permanently cure sinusitis?
  11. What is the most effective sinus decongestant?
  12. Can nasal spray make sinuses worse?

Which is more effective Flonase or Nasacort?

Nasacort offers these same benefits, but unlike Flonase, Nasacort has not been approved for watery, itchy eyes. If you're not suffering from these eye symptoms, generic Nasacort (triamcinolone) could be your best choice because it will likely be much cheaper than brand-name Flonase Sensimist.

Which nasal steroid is most effective?

The intranasal corticosteroids, Nasacort, Flonase, and Rhinocort, are probably the most effective OTC medications for the treatment of nasal allergy symptoms. A downside to them is that they will not work on an as-needed basis.

What is the best steroid nasal spray for sinusitis?

Several steroid nasal sprays are available and include:

Is Nasonex better than Nasacort?

However, they have a few minor differences. These include: The conditions they treat: They both treat nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis, but Nasonex can also treat nasal polyps. If they need a prescription: Nasacort is available OTC and Nasonex requires a prescription.

Should I use Flonase morning or night?

Is it better to use FLONASE at night? In short, no. One daily dose of FLONASE Allergy Relief delivers 24-hour relief from your worst allergy symptoms. So, even if you take it in the morning, you're still covered for all night long, without pesky allergy symptoms.

What is the best time to take Flonase?

The recommended starting dosage in adults is 2 sprays (50 mcg of fluticasone propionate each) in each nostril once daily (total daily dose, 200 mcg). The same total daily dose, 1 spray in each nostril administered twice daily (e.g., 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.) is also effective.

What is the most effective nasal spray?

Experts say that over-the-counter (OTC) anti-inflammatory nasal sprays—such as FLONASE nasal sprays or Nasacort® 24 Hour—are the most effective form of nasal allergy relief.

Is it OK to use Flonase every day?

You may start to feel relief after the first day—and full effect after several days of regular once-a-day use. Use FLONASE every day as full effectiveness is usually achieved after 3 or 4 days of continuous use.

Are Nasal Corticosteroids Safe?

Intranasal steroid sprays are safe for long-term use, and there is little evidence to indicate they cause significant systemic side effects. However, patients with chronic rhinitis who might use them for long periods should be advised to use them only intermittently and at the lowest dose that controls their symptoms.

How can I permanently cure sinusitis?


  1. Nasal corticosteroids. These nasal sprays help prevent and treat inflammation. ...
  2. Saline nasal irrigation, with nasal sprays or solutions, reduces drainage and rinses away irritants and allergies.
  3. Oral or injected corticosteroids. ...
  4. Aspirin desensitization treatment, if you have reactions to aspirin that cause sinusitis.

What is the most effective sinus decongestant?

Can nasal spray make sinuses worse?

Over the counter nasal sprays work great in alleviating sinus infection pressure in the short term, but can have lasting effects if not properly used. The main chemical in nasal spray can cause your sinus infection to get worse!

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