
Difference Between Mycorrhiza and Coralloid Roots
The key difference between mycorrhiza and coralloid roots is that mycorrhiza is a type of mutualistic association occurring between a higher plant and...
Difference Between Prop Root and Stilt Root
Prop roots pass down into the soil in a vertical position while stilt roots develop obliquely at an angle to the stem. . ... Prop roots develop from t...
What is the Difference Between Taproot and Adventitious Root
The main root (primary root) with other minor side roots, which grow deep into the soil is called Taproot. While the fine, thick hairs like structure,...
Difference Between Roots and Zeroes
Answer. Root of a polynomial is that value of x that makes the polynomial equal to 0. The zero of the function f(x)=x+1 is -1. The root of the equatio...