
Difference Between Family and Relatives
Family is defined as any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins. Relative is defined as a person ...
Difference Between Nuclear Family and Joint Family
A nuclear family is a family that includes two adult spouses and children whereas a joint family is a family extends beyond a nuclear family as it inc...
difference between nuclear family and joint family for class 5
A nuclear family is a family that includes two adult spouses and children whereas a joint family is a family extends beyond a nuclear family as it inc...
difference between nuclear family and joint family in hindi
There are two types of family systems – joint family and nuclear family systems. Joint family is a type of extended family, which consists of parents,...
difference between joint family and nuclear family ppt
What is difference between nuclear family and joint family?What is the difference between joint family and small family?What is the basic difference b...
similarities between joint family and nuclear family
Obviously Joint family is larger than the Nuclear family. Nuclear families consist , Parents , children, and grandparents. ... similarities like, they...
joint family vs nuclear family ppt
What is difference between nuclear family and joint family?What are the advantages and disadvantages of joint family and nuclear family?What are the a...
write two difference between joint family
A nuclear family is also referred to as an elementary, traditional, or conjugal family. The difference between a joint family and nuclear family is no...
Difference Between Family and Families
Family is the singular form whereas 'families' is the plural form. This is the main difference between the two words. The word 'family' denotes a grou...