
Difference Between SDK and IDE
A SDK has DLL libraries, compilers, and other tools to compile source code into an executable program (or intermediate byte code to run on JVM or . NE...
Difference Between Marketing and Business Development
Think of marketing as the face that your practice puts forward to the public, like your website, social media channels, and other content. Business de...
Difference Between Progress and Development
“Progress” and “development” are often used interchangeably. ... “Progress” is defined as “a movement towards a goal” and defines two things – forward...
Difference Between Vygotsky and Piaget
Vygotsky believed that the child is a social being, and cognitive development is led by social interactions. Piaget, on the other hand, felt that the ...
What is the Difference Between IDE and Compiler
A Compiler is computer program which transforms the code written in the programming language to computer language (binary form). An IDE is short for I...
phases of ontogenetic development
Like human beings, the Wistar rats go through the ontogenetic developmental stages «Prenatal → Birth → Infancy → Childhood → Adolescence → Adulthood →...
phylogenesis and ontogenesis definition
The evolutionary development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, or of a particular feature of an organism. ... 'Ontogenesis, we w...
difference between education and instruction
Education is the full development of all innate powers of a child. Instruction means forcing into the mind of a child predetermined dozes of knowledge...
What is the Difference Between TDD and BDD
TDD is a development practice while BDD is a team methodology. In TDD, the developers write the tests while in BDD the automated specifications are cr...